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Runtime Panics & FRAME Best Practices

If there is one "rule of thumb" in developing in a runtime environment, is to avoid runtime panics at all costs. With the premise that a blockchain should never cease to operate, abusing the notion of panic!(king) in Rust should never be used.

Avoiding runtime panics - Defensive Programming

Avoiding runtime panics is done by implementing some concepts of defensive programming. Here is a checklist of some common things to avoid and do in order to avoid panicking:

  1. Account for any and all edge cases in terms of what could panic.
  2. Do not use panic!().
  3. Do not use unwrap().
  4. Handle all possible None or Err values with proper error handling.
  5. When indexing collections, use Vec methods like get() and handle appropriately.
  6. Mathematically impossible operations, such as dividing by zero, or overflow scenarios.

In some cases, using unwrap_or_default() is appropriate, but only if a Default implementation exists for that particular type. Generally, you do not want to throw errors, rather you want to log and return them.

Logging has a cost in the runtime.

Keep in mind that logging has a computational cost in the runtime environment.

Using safe arithmetic

In the previous modules, we used a function - checked_add(). This is part of defensive programming, as we even negate the chance of an overflow of an integer. Substrate provides a number of ways to handle not only adding or subtracting numbers, but also floating point numbers (and subsequently, percentages).

Accounting for all errors

As mentioned, every single error should be accounted for - even if logically, that error cannot be reached. This is part of ensuring that any functions that can panic unwrap(), have even a chance to panic. Whether it's for casting to a different type, user-induced errors, or the like - all branched paths should be covered.