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How to approach testing in FRAME

In Module 5, we briefly reviewed a basic unit test implementation for our pallet. This section will provide more depth to testing a pallet in Substrate and how to approach it in general.

Good Practices - Test Everything

As discussed in Runtime Panics & FRAME Best Practices, your pallet should never explicitly panic due to something like unwrap()-ing an invalid value or even accounting for edge cases like integer overflows by using safe arithmetic.

The same approach of ensuring any edge case is covered in the runtime can be reinforced in unit tests. Ideally, every error should have an accompanying (or inclusive) unit test to ensure the error is correctly handled.

Mocking Types and Pallets

Unit tests require a mock runtime environment to be defined. Because using actual primitives could be prohibitive in testing, types are mostly mocked.

If you go back to the substrate-mooc-node/pallets/connect/src/ and observe the mock runtime called Test, AccountId is a prime example of a simple, mock primitive as u64:

impl frame_system::Config for Test {
type AccountId = u64;

An account id is simply a number versus a more complex type in testing. You may also notice many types in this configuration are merely just the Rust unit type, as they aren't relevant in the context of this mock environment (at least for our specific pallet) as denoted by SomeConfigParam = ().

Other types, such as a Block within the runtime, are helpfully defined via frame_system::mocking::MockBlock<Test>.

Mocked Pallets

Because pallets are external modules that expose several traits and their respective struct, they can also be configured via these mock types. Take a look at pallet_balance, which is defined within

impl pallet_balances::Config for Test {
type Balance = u128;
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type ExistentialDeposit = ExistentialDeposit;
type AccountStore = System;
type ReserveIdentifier = [u8; 8];

Again, notice how Balance is defined as a primitive Rust u128 type.

Case Study: Randomness

For some other traits/pallets, it's possible that frame_support_test can provide extra mock and testing-related crates. For example, TestRandomness<T> is a mock type for randomness since we don't have a running chain to generate the traditional entropy. For this reason, it also makes our tests much more predictable (because it's a predictable source of randomness for testing), which is ideal:

/// These values will always be the same
fn generate_gradient_with_correct_length() {
let hex = Connect::generate_hex_values(H256([0; 32]));
println!("{:?}", hex);
assert_eq!(hex.0, [8, 48, 48]);
assert_eq!(hex.1, [8, 48, 48]);

It's also possible to define your types for this substitution.