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Polkadot FAQ

Where can I find a list of academic and in-depth articles and information about Polkadot?

Are Polkadot's ECDSA SIgnatures BTC-compatible?

I saw the ECDSA signatures described as not BTC compatible. They are with a trivial conversion to include the flag byte, right? flag referring to the 02/03 used for even/odd in compressed public keys, or... 27/28 used in ETH IIRC? Yet my main question is solely that there's nothing unexpected there (such as a different challenge algorithm) Afaik the flag should be either 0/1 or 27/28. Additionally, the issue is (was?) this -> the Host, for example, exposes two version of ext_crypto_secp256k1_ecdsa_recover, where version one handles those non-standard, overflowing ECDSA signatures and version 2 only handles standard signatures. This is unrelated to the presumed BTC incompatibility, but I guess polkadot-js also used non-standard signatures but I"m not sure

It is marked "incompatible" in polkadot-js since if you take the same mnemonic, it won't create the same private/public keys like in BTC. (Substrate uses mnemonic -> entropy as part of the derivation step). This is unlike the ed25519 Ledger type that follows the BTC/ETH/everything-else derivation path.

Can smartcontracts call each other across parachains?

Yes, although it's still in the early stages. See and

Can Validators change their commission?

Yes. There have been several discussions in the past on changing this (e.g. ), but right now they can change at any point (although there are some limitations on e.g. how low a validator can set its commission on Kusama - there is a 3% minimum, increasing above 10% invalidates it for the 1KV Programme, etc.).

It is generally considered to be up to the nominator to keep an eye on their validators, e.g. with SubVT

Can Validators steal your DOT?

I would recommend reading the Staking section of the Polkadot Wiki to understand how it works.

Validators cannot "steal" your bonded DOT. However, if you are actively nominating a validator who commits an offense, you - and they - will be slashed. This would mean that a percentage of your bonded DOT would be locked and eventually sent to the Treasury (there is a delay for the Council to overrule this, if for instance the slashing was due to a software bug).

This is one of the reasons that you need to look closely at which validators you are nominating. We have an entire guide for this on the Polkadot Wiki here: Of special note is the self-stake of the validator. Slashes are the same percentage regardless of stake. Thus, a validator who is nominating itself with 10'000 DOT and faces a 0.5% slash, would lose 50 DOT themselves, along with 0.5% of whatever you are nominating them with.

Note that slashes are relatively rare, and almost all slashes are a very small percentage of bonded stake, unless many validators are taking part in the offense.

Cannot see something on the Polkadot-JS UI

Zoom out or increase the size of the window. If the window is too small, not everything will be displayed.

Can the number of validators on Polkadot be increased?

This is up to governance to decide. Anyone can make a proposal to change the ideal number of validators ( ), you can do it right now - the relevant extrinsic is staking.setValidatorCount.

However, the last time this was proposed, it was rejected by DOT holders. See

On the polkadot website is stated that it's planned to have 10 validators per parachain, the auction number 30 is few weeks away so the current 297 validators is not enough according to the website. Will there be an increase of the active validator number before the 30th parachain is onboarded?

Theoretically you could validate with a single validator per parachain (although that's a bad idea for a variety of reasons of security / reliability reasons). The plan is to have 10 validators per parachain but that does not mean it's a necessity.

How to check an account's delegation on-chain?

You have to query democracy.votingOf now, which returns a JSON with both votes and delegations. For an example you can check out HHt1d2Sf7aERcm1FMG7scnJCZH4M6bazYSKc1j5zfZmcDzG, which I just set to delegate to me. Querying for votingOf includes the following:

Delegating: {
balance: 200,000,000,000
target: JFArxqV6rqPSwBok3zQDnj5jL6vwsZQDwYXXqb1cFygnYVt
conviction: None
delegations: {
votes: 0
capital: 0

How to create 24-word seed phrases for a Polkadot account?

You can recover a 24 word seed phrase on Polkadot-JS UI or extension, but not create one. That will always be 12 words.

If the user REALLY wants to create a 24-word seed phrase, they can use subkey generate --words 24

% subkey generate --words 24
Secret phrase: consider saddle monitor boost ostrich agent salon slab either visual food nerve tag help potato embark victory three borrow vivid have sauce soup list
Secret seed: 0x9410330c46a7310f19e319f9701d42feae9fd19a453196aec40e9257a4f46f67
Public key (hex): 0x88e83f4869d6ac593ccbae7e64714c513ddae08cfed007ff9d5e6b5c20892059
Account ID: 0x88e83f4869d6ac593ccbae7e64714c513ddae08cfed007ff9d5e6b5c20892059
Public key (SS58): 5FADMuhPk5puytZutHsztX6mfkiW2DGHUcsjumtniqoYCJca
SS58 Address: 5FADMuhPk5puytZutHsztX6mfkiW2DGHUcsjumtniqoYCJca

What is the difference between the active era and current era?

Active era = actual "current era" Current era = currently planned era that we know the validator set for My understanding (I have always found this confusing) is that current_era = active_era until the election of validators, then there is one session where current_era = active_era + 1 Ahh better description here:

The current era = This is the latest planned era, depending on how the Session pallet queues the validator set, it might be active or not.

The active era = The era being currently rewarded. Validator set of this era must be equal to [SessionInterface::validators].

Does bonding additional tokens rebag the nominator automatically?

Any change in the staked account balance will trigger rebagging

How to figure out decimals for tokens?

You can verify this by doing an RPC call for and look at tokenDecimals key.

Westend: ChainProperties
ss58Format: 42
tokenDecimals: [
tokenSymbol: [

Polkadot: ChainProperties
ss58Format: 0
tokenDecimals: [
tokenSymbol: [

How to find fast tracked proposals?

You are looking for calls to democracy.fast_track. It is a bit confusing, since most explorers have trouble finding extrinsics inside of batch calls, and batch calls are the normal way to fast-track proposals.

But what you CAN do is look for calls to technicalCommittee.close, which close and execute a decision by the Technical Committee. You can do that on Subscan here:

But now you want to see what those fast track's actually did. The easiest way is to click on the extrinsic and see what events occurred. For example, this was the most recent:

Looking at the events, you can see that after the close, an approval occurred, and Referendum 75 ( ) started. Thus, Referendum 75 was first-tracked. Click on the link to Referendum 75 and you can see the parameters involved in the fast-track.

Is it possible to have free transactions on Substrate based chains?

Before I answer this, it's important to realize that all of these decisions are in the hands of the blockchain developer using Substrate. Substrate itself doesn't care if you make a chain which is vulnerable to spamming. (Not saying you don't know this, but for the sake of everyone reading this...)

So... if you want to create a chain, you will need some sort of mechanism to prevent people from spamming the network and not allowing authorized transactions. There are a variety of ways to do this; simply having fees per transaction is the simplest and most straightforward. But there are other ways:

As you mentioned, an identity layer. If you trust the identity layer, you could provide a limit of n transactions per day per identity or something.

Really, any system where Sybil protection is assumed to be done by some external entity off-chain could allow feeless tx's on-chain. But remember you are trusting that external identity!

Ignoring identity services, "x transactions per user per day" wouldn't help against a determined adversary, as it simple for them to make new accounts.

A global limiter like you mention would prevent most system-wide problems (i.e. chain would continue to produce blocks) but would likely drown out actual user activity with spam.

You could use some sort on-chain process to identity people or vote that accounts can/cannot have feeless transactions. This could be done manually or via some sort of automated process (but the latter would probably be gamed after a while).

A bond which can be slashed, e.g., you bond 100 FOO tokens, and if you are found guilty of spamming the network, you lose the FOO tokens. You can always create a new account and start spamming again, of course, but it would cost you 100 FOO tokens each time.

You could require an NFT (or one of a limited number of fungible tokens) to produce transactions.

You could have some other way of limiting transactions, e.g. by including a proof of work per transaction. I believe this is similar to how Nano works nowadays, after they experienced spamming problems.

These are just a few examples of what's possible with Substrate, btw. There are lots of other possibilities.

What to do if I get txn version unsupported error on Ledger?

Have you followed the steps on the Knowledge Base for when this error occurs?

Make sure your Ledger's firmware is updated

Update your Ledger Live app to the latest version

Update your Polkadot or Kusama app to the latest version - depending on which network you are experiencing this error.

How do I figure out what a governance proposal is doing?

There is no text stored on-chain to describe what change the proposal is making. Proposals change either the parameters of the chain or the runtime code itself directly. See

Text-based descriptions are generally put on Polkassembly, e.g., but the actual change is done automatically if it passed (see the "arguments" section for what the proposal is actually doing).

During the proposal, only the hash of the proposal is submitted; the actual change should be submitted later. See

(these links are obviously for Polkadot but the general idea is the same if you are using the democracy pallet no matter which chain you are using)

How do I know how much staking rewards I will get in the future?

It's impossible to know exactly in advance. Staking rewards per era are based on era points, which are essentially impossible to predict ahead of time. The rate of inflationand staking rewards are also variable based on the staking rate (i.e., what percentage of total issuance of all DOT is staked), which will obviously vary based on people's opinions of if they should stake or not.

The Polkadot-JS App Targets page provides estimates, but these are just that, estimates.

If you want to know how much you have received in the past, you can view your actual staking rewards using most block explorers (e.g. Subscan) and calculate it. Here are the rewards of a random example account (whatever the last one to receive a reward was):

Note that there is no such thing as "staking on Ledger". You can use Ledger to stake on-chain, but this does not change the fact that Ledger is just a tool to access the on-chain staking mechanism.

How do parachains work?

At a really high level, when a parachain first connects to the relay chain, it submits its genesis block and its runtime (defining the state transition function). At this point, the validators on the chain (via the Wasm and genesis stored on the chain itself) can, given a set of transactions, verify if it is valid or not, by running them against the Wasm and the known state. Collators on the parachain send collations of transactions to a randomly selected subset of validators, who verify that the state transition is valid (since they know both the previous state and the state transition function (STF), defined in the Wasm blob containing the runtime).

Other validators can verify that this is correct and slash an offending validator who tries to cheat by saying an invalid state transition is valid, since all of them have access to the current state as well as the STF. A block on a parachain is not considered finalized until its equivalent state transition has been validated on the relay chain. Thus, a parachain depends on the security of the relay chain.

Of course this elides a LOT of detail and wrinkles in operation. If you want to dig in deeper, I really recommend reading the Wiki page on the topic, or if you want to really dive in, reading the chapter on AnV (availability and validity) in the Polkadot Specification, put together by our great Spec Team.

How does XCM work?

XCM allows different chains to have a common way of interacting with each other using an "Esperanto" (common language) instead of every chain having to know exactly how other chains operate.

This is obviously a very high-level description! For more detail, I recommend reading Gav's description in the Medium post here: or if you really want to dig in, you can review the code here:


Collators produce a collation (essentially, a candidate collection of transactions) on the parachain, which are sent to a randomly chosen subset of validators on the relay chain. The validators then verify that the collators provided a valid collation. It is a lot of work (ask anyone running a validator if they are seeing higher loads as the number of parachains increase). See

Smart contract logic is part of the state transition; calls to smart contracts change the state of the chain. Any necessary smart contract logic is part of the runtime, which is known to the validators. The validators can then run the "candidate block" against this Wasm blob to ensure that it is valid. See

How to find the unbonding duration on-chain?

You can check by querying the constant ( ) staking.bondingDuration . This will tell you the number of eras ( = 2 on Westend). An era on Westend is 6 hours (same as Kusama).

How to donate to Polkadot Treasury?

It's a normal account, you can just send them.

Example: It also looks like somebody sent > 3500 DOT to the Treasury directly from an exchange wallet

How to find minimum active nomination over time?

Not sure if there is a site with that, but you can always look it up by querying chain state:

Go to

Enter the block hash you want to check what it was

Query and see the result in Plancks

You could write a JavaScript script ( ) to get this over time.

I'd have to look up the details, but essentially, there was no limit at first. About a year ago, a minimum 40 DOT nomination was initiated, then 80, then 120, then 160 in February. With some major staking mechanism changes, the minimum to nominate over the last few months has been 10 DOT, albeit with a dynamic rewards minimum.

Nomination pools (now live on Kusama) should reduce this dramatically, down to 1 DOT or so.

How to see all the accounts on the network?

You could use Subsquid for this. Thanks to Lucas, our erstwhile Grants intern, for finding this:

It's SQL - just change the "limit" variable to the number you want (note that it will take a while to run if you have a very large number here). The result will be in JSON, and amounts are shown in Plancks (like satoshis in Bitcoin, one DOT = 10_000_000_000 Plancks).

How to see the bags containing nominators?

Click on the "Bags" tab on that page, or go directly there with the URL -

How to verify multisig?

if you ask them the addresses they used to make the account, you can make the multisig yourself and verify it's the same address it would be essentially impossible for them to generate a single-sig with the same address

Steps to do that:

  1. Add addresses to Address Book -
  2. Go to Accounts and click "+ Multisig"
  3. Add the addresses and the threshold
  4. Give it a name
  5. Click "Create"

You will then have a new multisig in your Accounts tab (which you can't sign transactions with, but you can click the dots icon and get the address and verify it's what they say)

How is ideal staking rate calculated?

Depends on what you mean by a "good thing". The ideal rate was estimated as the ideal rate for the network to have locked in the staking mechanism for security. However, this also means less rewards for individual nominators, and the estimate is just that - an estimate. It could be that the network would operate optimally with less or more than the "ideal rate".

The ideal staking rate should vary based on the number of parachains (since some DOT/KSM will be locked for securing parachain slots), down to a minimum of 50%. Kusama reduces the ideal staking rate by 0.5 percentage points per parachain, and has many more parachains than Polkadot. This algorithm for modifying the ideal staking rate based on the number of parachains was not implemented on Polkadot; I'm not sure of the rationale behind that. Perhaps it ensures that there is much more locked to ensure a higher security level of Polkadot.

You can see more information here:

Is Polkadot Decentralized?

How will the Polkadot eco-system and its para-chains be able to maintain its integrity as a decentralized and safe system that is effectively able to bypass and avoid over reaching regulatory scrutiny?

The Polkadot Network, and the DOT token which secures it, is fully decentralized. The Web3 Foundation took the hard road and worked with regulators throughout its launch to make sure that it was (and we believe still is) regulatory compliant in all jurisdictions.

The parachains themselves are responsible for their own regulatory compliance, including communications and disclosures, because they are not controlled by Polkadot, but the Web3 Foundation is always here to help on the educational front if have questions or if otherwise needed.

Is there any possibility that regulators and nation-states could force layer 0, layer 1 and layer 2 censorship within the Polkadot ecosystem and force (under threat of incarceration) developers to comply with their tyrannical oversight?

There's always a possibility of something like this, as we have already seen in various ways recently.

Can Polkadot and its para-chains truly become decoupled from the fiat ecosystem and be able to maintain the 5 pillars of crypto freedom (open, public, borderless, neutral, and censorship resistant)?

This is certainly our goal here at Web3 Foundation! We have a sign here at our headquarters that states our goal:

"We are building trustless, open-source infrastructure that empowers users to resist arbitrary authority and take back control of their sovereignty - a fully decentralized web."

That is certainly what I think, and hope, we and the rest of the ecosystem are building. =)

How to listen to account balance change? ?

I prefer using py-substrate so I can use Python instead of JavaScript, personally. There is an example of getting an account's information here:

Why am I not receiving staking rewards?

If Polkadot staking were down, we'd be having real troubles, since we'd have no way of putting validators in the active set and thus unable to produce blocks.

I would check your accounts on Polkadot-JS App and if you are not getting rewards, see

Why is Polkadot-JS UI not loading?

Perhaps try changing endpoints, browser, etc.

Or try using the IPFS version -

How to query block information without subscan?

You can query block information from a specific block using Network->Block Details (e.g. ) and then look at the extrinsics for the block

Can the crowdloaned DOT be returned before the parachain slot lease expires?

Returning the DOT early is not possible going through the chain. Any DOT sent via crowdloan.contribute extrinsic will be locked up until the end of the lease (assuming they win a lease, of course).

DOT / KSM will definitely be returned.

To clarify, it's not just "customary", it's set by the rules of the chain. Anyone who is setting up a crowdloan can indicate the ending point, and after this ending point, anyone can refund the KSM to contributors to unsuccessful crowdloans (although this is usually done by the team that is running the crowdloan, technically anyone can do it).

Kusama auctions (mostly just for scheduling reasons, but also to give engineering teams time to see how the network is reacting before starting a new batch of auctions) have a bit of a gap between groups. Many crowdloans just set the ending point to be the end of the group, when really they should set it a bit earlier if they want to be perfectly optimized.

How can I see account balance over time?

Go to

Enter the blocks you want to check.

Enter the following JavaScript code and execute it. Note that the results may not be in chronological order, you can copy/paste and sort them in a text editor or the Unix sort command to do so.

blocks = [2105, 1205309, 1205349];

const user = '1WG3jyNqniQMRZGQUc7QD2kVLT8hkRPGMSqAb5XYQM1UDxN';


async function calc(blockNum){
const blockHash = await api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(blockNum);
const { data: { free: prev } } = await, user);
console.log('Block', blockNum, ': user had a balance of', prev.toHuman());

How to see the extrinsics supported by Ledger?

If you want to use Ledger, you will need the XL version of the app, as the light version does not support the necessary extrinsics. See

Staking rewards collector gets API rate limit exceeded error?

Every time I try to run the staking-rewards-collector, I get an error from the Subscan API that the API rate limit is exceeded. Anyone know how I can slow down the query speed or something to get around this?

Solution: enter your own Subscan API key as a new JSON file element "subscan_apikey" in the config file.

Transferring Polkadot-JS Apps Accounts/Addresses From One Computer to Another

Note: This will overwrite any existing accounts with the same pubkey on your new computer. This generally should not make a difference (since it can still access the same account), but might if you have e.g. an account which was stored externally in the extension on the old computer but was created directly in browser on the new one.

This has been tested on Brave and Chrome, but not other browsers.

  1. Go to Polkadot-JS Apps
  2. Go to JavaScript console (on Brave, NOT on Polkadot-JS)
  3. Type in the command JSON.stringify(localStorage)
  4. Copy and paste the returned string to a text editor.
  5. Check that the string you pasted both begins and ends with a tick mark ('). If not, add one to the beginning and end.
  6. Save and send that JSON file to the new computer.
  7. On new computer, go to Polkadot-JS Apps
  8. Open the Javascript console
  9. Set a variable raw equal to the JSON you created =
raw = ... copy-pasted json from original computer ...
  1. Run the following code:
accounts = JSON.parse(raw);
for (var key in accounts) {
if (accounts.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
val = JSON.stringify(accounts[key]).replace(/\\/g,'').slice(1,-1);
console.log(key + " -> " + val);
localStorage.setItem(key, val);
  1. Refresh Polkadot-JS App browser and check Accounts and Addresses pages. All of your accounts and addresses should now be available.

Does everything need to be on the blockchain to be decentralized?

IPFS is decentralized, even though it's not using blockchain ( ) - it's not at all the same as putting something on a Google Cloud server. Same with Crust.

Conversely, on-chain does not necessarily mean decentralized.

It's important to realize that technically, a blockchain is just a linked list with hash pointers. There's nothing about the blockchain data structure itself that promotes decentralization, just immutability. You can use this data structure with other technology to make something decentralized and there are a lot of benefits to doing so.

Plenty of things can happen "off-chain" while still being decentralized. The chain can even prove that computations are happening correctly or are not being manipulated (see zero-knowledge proofs, various L2s, Substrate's off-chain workers, etc.)

Regarding your question, I disagree completely. Yes, there are projects which are nothing more than money grabs, and there are chains which pay only lip service to decentralization. But personally, I see massive potential in having code and data which is provably immutable and transparent. I wouldn't be in this space otherwise.

If you are interested in digging into all of this further, my lectures on blockchain fundamentals are (in my biased opinion, of course!) a good place to start -

Not to mention, you CAN use remarks to store data entirely on-chain if you want ( just like you could e.g. use OP_RETURN on Bitcoin). I'm just saying that if this causes scalability issues ( a common problem due to the blockchain model itself ), then there are other ways to do it and still remain decentralized.

What is the difference between XCM and XCMP?

Yes. XCM is the cross-consensus message format; XCMP is a cross-chain messaging protocol. Think of sending a tax form to your government via the postal system - the form you send is the FORMAT of the message you are sending them, a very specific format; the mail system is the PROTOCOL of how it gets there.

Why am I stuck with the same validator?

It's sometimes difficult to understand why Phragmen does what it does. It's a complicated algorithm - I've definitely had times where I was stuck with the same validator for long periods of time (in one case, much to my detriment, as the validator had changed their commission rate to 100%... but I digress...)

Generally, however, the reason this happens is because your amount of DOT/KSM fits very well to help reduce the variance (which is one of the big goals of Phragmen). So for example, if the mean amount of DOT on a validator is 1_000_000, and you are nominating that validator with 10_000 DOT and another account is nominating it with 990_000, you both will often find yourself nominating that validator since they "fit" so well.

That said, nominating is essentially an "approval" process - you are saying that you would be OK with nominating any of the validators you select for nomination. If you're not OK with actively nominating that validator, on a regular basis or not, you shouldn't be nominating it.

Why can't I see certain pages on Polkadot-JS, such as Extrinsics or Sign and Verify?

These pages require at least one account on Polkadot-JS. Go the Accounts page and add an account, and you should see these in the header bar.

Note that these pages may load if you navigate directly to them (e.g., but you won't be able to do anything there.

Why did my account make a duplicate transaction?

Two submissions of the same extrinsic were made to the blockchain, about six hours apart. I'm not sure of why this occurred (and I'm not familiar with Safepal), but I can explain what happened.

First, note that unlike most blockchains, a transaction hash is not a globally unique identifier in Polkadot (see the wiki: ) The extrinsic ID is (once a block is finalized, of course). So the fact that the tx hash is the same means that the exact same transaction was submitted multiple times. Looking at the history of that account, it looks to be about six hours apart.

Also note that this transaction was submitted as immortal ( ) - something that is specifically warned against, as it can allow replay attacks ( ) . This is generally something in the control of the wallet, not the user.

During the first tx, the account was reaped (i.e. all DOT was sent out from it) . You can see the event here:

Then a day later, the account was resurrected by sending in a little under 25 DOT -

For some reason, the original immortal transaction was then re-submitted. Now the account existed again, and this was a valid immortal transaction, so it got executed again.

Why do I get call filtered error?

system.ExtrinsicFailed system.CallFiltered

usually system.CallFiltered is because your origin can't do that or just all calls to that module are blocked out. I'd talk to the specific team that implemented it.